Know the Book


What the Bible Teaches
Do you know what you believe? Do you know why you believe it? It's a tragedy that most Christians know more about their favorite movie stars and sports heroes than they do about the basics of the Bible. The goal of this class is to help you have a good understanding of the major doctrinal themes of the Bible.

These lessons can be downloaded
for your personal or group study:

  1. Why Study Theology
  2. The Inspiration of the Scriptures
  3. How the Bible Came to Us
  4. Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism and Liberalism
  5. God the Father
  6. Creation
  7. The Trinity
  8. The Sovereignty of God
  9. The Promised Messiah
  10. The Deity and Humanity of Christ
  11. The Resurrection of Christ
  12. The Holy Spirit
  13. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
  14. The Filling of the Holy Spirit
  15. Speaking in Tongues and Healing
  16. Biblical Anthropology
  17. Salvation Words
  18. The 7 Dispensations of Bible History
  19. Law and Grace
  20. The Atonement of Christ
  21. Predestination: What the Bible Says About It
    Predestination Chart - you need it for the lesson
    also see
  22. Does Romans 9 Teach Calvinism?
  23. What Happens When a Person is Born Again
  24. The Security of the Believer
  25. The Standing and State of the Believer
  26. What You Need to Know About the Church
  27. The Ordinances of the New Testament Church
  28. Where Did the Denominations Come From?
  29. The Great Commission
  30. a) Is Sunday the Biblical Sabbath?
    b) The Spirit World
  31. Introduction to Bible Prophecy
  32. The Prophecies of Daniel
  33. From Rapture to the Revelation of Christ
  34. Biblical Prophecy Today


©2007 Bob Sharpe